Only 8% of Americans stick to their New Year’s resolutions. Are you in that (tiny) bucket? Or do you belong to the much bigger one who have already given up? If it’s the latter it’s time to reboot. Here’s how:

Set New Goals

When we set resolutions on January 1st, it’s easy to get caught up in the omnipresent and high-pressure “New Year, New You” mantra (and not the good kind). Rebooting resolutions in February allows you to set more realistic, personalized goals. Escape from those Instagram health and fitness accounts, and set intentions which are attainable and tailored to your life and needs.

Be Compassionate

If you haven’t met your goals, don’t be angry with yourself. Be compassionate. If you’re kind and understanding with yourself, you’ll be more willing to continue with your resolution and resume it after an unsanctioned day off. We’re often harder on ourselves than we’d dream of being with others. Remember no one is perfect — and that’s okay.

Stop Comparing

Stop comparing your resolutions, achievements, and routines to other people’s. Center your resolutions around what you need, and how you feel. You won’t succeed in continuing your resolutions throughout the year if they’re based on someone else’s body and mind.

Form Habits

Creating new habits is hard; changing old ones can be even harder. That’s why it’s important to make thoughtful, feasible resolutions you believe you can achieve. You need strong willpower to stick with them initially, but the more you adhere to the change, the more natural it will become. If you miss a day of habit-changing, don’t give up or get angry. Note it. Accept it. Move on. This process takes time, energy, and determination.

Find Your Tribe

To make resolution-keeping easier, surround yourself with people who have similar goals. Spend time with people who will help you feel empowered to make the changes you want. Their support will provide you with motivation when you need it most.

And Finally, Don’t Hesitate

Don’t delay starting your resolutions until you find that perfect day. That perfect day does not exist. If you’re procrastinating, stop. Start today.

Setting resolutions is simple; sticking to them, not so much. Make your resolutions positive and personalized. With an optimistic intention, supportive friends, and a clear focus, you’ll find forming these new habits more intuitive and more rewarding.